Math behind lockdown and Social distancing

Have you ever wondered why is social distancing important ?

If you have we have the answer for you.
What Does Social Distancing Mean?

The reason for Social distancing-: The COVID-19 has the potential to infect anyone within the distance of 6  feet radius of any infected body. 

Lock-down's purpose - The word 'lock-down' has been trending on news channels across the world but do we even know the purpose of having one ?

View: If lockdown was managing public health, now comes the ...

The lock-down has played out an important part to prevent covid-19 spread faster because if at one time lot of people assemble in one area and even if one is carrying the virus he/she has the potential to infect 1.5 to 3.5 people (according to Imperial college group's research) which means that if one person carries it he/she can spread it to 3.5 and those 3.5 can spread it to other 3.5 which can end up making cases grow at a rapid rate and can make millions get infected in less than a month and thankfully this hasn't happened because of lockdowns in various nations.

Flattening the Curve - Flattening the coronavirus curve: It's happening, but it's not ...

This term has been viral on the internet and news channels for the right reasons.

Flattening the curve means to elongate the time for which new cases appear but at the same time reduce the amount of new cases in a single peak so that the pressure on the medical system gets reduced and number of casualties are less and everyone feels safe.



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