Math behind lockdown and Social distancing
Have you ever wondered why is social distancing important ? If you have we have the answer for you. The reason for Social distancing-: The COVID-19 has the potential to infect anyone within the distance of 6 feet radius of any infected body. Lock-down's purpose - The word 'lock-down' has been trending on news channels across the world but do we even know the purpose of having one ? The lock-down has played out an important part to prevent covid-19 spread faster because if at one time lot of people assemble in one area and even if one is carrying the virus he/she has the potential to infect 1.5 to 3.5 people (according to Imperial college group's research) which means that if one person carries it he/she can spread it to 3.5 and those 3.5 can spread it to other 3.5 which can end up making cases grow at a rapid rate and can make millions get infected in less than a month and thankfully this hasn't happened because of lockdowns in various nations. ...